Solar-powered blinds vs. traditional blinds

September 01, 2021

Solar-powered blinds vs. traditional blinds


When it comes to window treatments, blinds are the most traditional and popular choice. From providing privacy to managing natural light, they offer a range of benefits. However, as the push for renewable energy sources grows, solar-powered blinds have emerged as an alternative option that's worth considering. In this blog post, we'll compare solar-powered blinds to traditional blinds, taking into account energy efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and other factors.

Energy efficiency

Solar-powered blinds have a clear advantage when it comes to energy efficiency. By using photovoltaic cells, they convert solar energy into electricity that powers the motor that operates the blinds. This means that they don't require any external power source, unlike traditional blinds that need to be manually operated or use electricity.

A study conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory found that installing solar-powered shades could save up to 16% in cooling energy use in commercial buildings. Additionally, they could reduce peak demand by up to 30%. These numbers speak for themselves and highlight the potential impact of solar-powered blinds in energy efficiency.


When it comes to cost, traditional blinds are generally cheaper than solar-powered blinds. However, the price difference shouldn't be the only deciding factor. Solar-powered blinds have a higher upfront cost but can provide significant long-term savings by reducing energy consumption and costs.

To put this into perspective, a report by the US Department of Energy stated that solar-powered window shades could save $6 per square foot of window area annually in air conditioning costs in commercial buildings. While the initial installation cost may be high, the savings can quickly offset the upfront investment.

Other factors to consider

In addition to energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness, there are other factors to consider when choosing between solar-powered and traditional blinds:

  • Ease of installation: Solar-powered blinds require professional installation, while traditional blinds can be easily installed by anyone.
  • Maintenance: Solar-powered blinds require minimal maintenance, while traditional blinds need to be manually cleaned and operated.
  • Style and design: Traditional blinds come in a wider range of styles and designs, while the options for solar-powered blinds are more limited.

Ultimately, the decision between solar-powered blinds and traditional blinds depends on your priorities and needs.


Solar-powered blinds offer several advantages when compared to traditional blinds, including energy efficiency and long-term cost savings. However, they come with a higher upfront cost and more limited style and design options. Whether you choose solar-powered or traditional blinds, make an informed decision that fits your needs and budget.


  • "Commercial Building Energy Alliance: Emerging Technologies Summary Report." U.S. Department of Energy, October 2012.
  • "Window Coverings: Energy Savings Fact Sheet." Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, February 2020.

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